What are the causes of pain in the knuckles? How to relieve discomfort?

the knuckles hurt

Of all the body parts, the human hand has the greatest variety of movements. Dynamic activity is associated with different types of manipulations.

From the usual movements to the creation of objects of creativity - everything has to do with the activity of the hands. Due to the important participation of brushes in human life and work, their health is of great importance.

Often people have pain in the joints of the fingers, the motor function of the fingers is impaired. In the presence of such symptoms, it is necessary to seek medical help to identify the cause and prescribe subsequent treatment of the pathology.

Irreversible processes in the body with age become the cause of various diseases. Therefore, if you experience any painful sensations, you should consult a doctor.

Causes of pain

Joint pain in the hands appears for various reasons. As a result of traumatic injuries, it occurs more often.

The tissues around the joint can be damaged. The transition of diseases to a chronic form contributes to deforming changes. For this reason, the possibility of full or complete movement is interrupted.

Causes of pain in the joints of the fingers are:

  • Arthritisare an inflammatory disease that affects the articular surfaces along with the surrounding tissues. As a result of a rheumatic process or autoimmune diseases, a pathological change occurs in the connective tissue or other tissues in the joint area. Arthritis usually affects groups of joints. Isolated inflammation is extremely rare. The disease is characterized by symmetry of inflamed articular areas. A distinctive feature of the pathology is pain on movement and at rest.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis- the disease is of an infectious-allergic nature. A feature of the pathology is the appearance of foci in the small bone nodes. Tissue thinning leads to compression of nerve fibers, which provokes pain. The disease develops suddenly. Restriction of movement is associated with redness of the skin and decreased motor activity.
  • arthrosis- progressive deformation of articular surfaces. Stiffness when trying to move is combined with pain in the symmetrical joints of the fingers in the hands. Premature treatment can lead to disability of the patient.
  • goutIt is a disease associated with metabolic disorders. The chronic process continues with periods of deterioration, in which deterioration of the condition occurs markedly. Acute pain is combined with edema and hyperemia of the skin over the diseased joint. The thumb is the first to suffer, later the other joints are involved in pathological changes.
  • Stenotic ligaments- inflammatory disease of the ligament apparatus of the finger joints. Damage to the ring ligaments causes pain in the fingers.
  • Rhizarthrosisaccompanied by severe stress or compression of the big toe joint.
  • Osteoarthritis- change of deformation in the joints of the fingers due to the destruction of the cartilaginous ball of the joints. Worsening of pain occurs after stress on diseased joints. Immobilized joints do not hurt.
  • Osteomyelitis- damage to bone tissue and bone marrow. Necrotic and purulent changes develop not only in the bones but also in the joints. Open injuries to the bones can cause the bacterial flora to enter the wound, causing pus to form and destroy the bone. At the same time, joint pain will be complemented by symptoms of general intoxication.

What to do when your toe joints hurt? How to treat?

quince juice to treat joint pain

To determine the treatment regimen, it is necessary to determine the factor that led to the development of the disease. There are three main groups of medicinal substances used to affect the affected joints:

  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, when used, stop the biochemical cascade of inflammatory reactions.
  • Glucocorticoids have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. The funds are used for general and local therapies. According to the indications, it is injected directly into the focus of inflammation.
  • Immunosuppressants are the basic medications used as anti-rheumatic pain relievers.

There are popular recipes that relieve joint pain without the use of expensive drugs:

  • To prepare an anesthetic broth, dig up the burdock root in spring or autumn. Peeled and dried root is crushed and stored in a cloth bag. Make two tablespoons of the root in a glass of water. The prepared soup is drunk three times a day.
  • Quince juice relieves joint pain. Freshly squeezed juice is mixed with barley flour in equal proportions. Cabbage is applied to inflamed joints at night.
  • Drink a decoction of dry celery three times a day.
  • A mixture of honey and vinegar contributes to the relief of acute pain. The mixture is placed on the sore spot, covered with wax paper.
  • The use of ginger relieves joint pain caused by the inflammatory process.

The methods of traditional medicine will help in the early course. In advanced and chronic cases, it is necessary to use the complex treatment of joints.